Modern Academy Cancun: A New Chapter in Education and Innovation

November 10th was a significant watershed for Modern Academy Cancun with the exciting opening of the innovative new Building: Discovery Center. This new space, dedicated to technology and learning, reflects the institution's ongoing commitment to educational excellence.

Not only will the Discovery Center be home to high school classrooms, but it will also become the official home of the School of Aviation. Here, students will be able to practice and fly hours in advanced simulators such as Airbus and Red Bird. In addition, the building will offer Formula 1 driving experiences through state-of-the-art simulators, providing an exciting perspective on the world of motorsport.

As if the above were not enough, one of the main purposes of this new building is to be able to receive the most representative technology companies of this time to train MAcC students and further expand their professional possibilities. 

The opening day of the Discovery Center coincided with the College Fair event, where more than 35 national and international universities presented their educational offerings to students and parents. Guests also had the opportunity to explore the state-of-the-art facilities, experiencing firsthand Modern Academy's commitment to educational excellence.

This new building not only represents a breakthrough in Cancun's educational infrastructure, but also symbolizes Modern Academy's ongoing commitment to preparing students for a future driven by technology and innovation. The Discovery Center stands as a palpable testament to the institution's dedication to providing a stimulating educational environment and guiding our students to a brighter future.